“Agua Para La Paz” is a program we created in El Salvador when a truce among the World’s Most Dangerous Gangs was implemented. We decided to reward the peace process with clean drinkable water into all prisons, rehabilitation center’s and communities throughout the country because everyone matters.
La Mission Por Vida implements the APLA program, by establishing working relationships with influential partners. Once inside prisons, LMPV evaluates the current water conditions and creates a baseline measure. From there, we set-up a meeting/interview between all parties involved to discuss our educational and maintenance program. After the interview process, our strategic team determines the most efficient approach to roll-out each project. We monitor and evaluate all projects for sustainability.
We have added a new element in 2015, which entails the cleaning of the prisons by the inmates themselves. They will be “earning” clean drinkable water through our Clean-Up campaign, which is critical to our GLOBAL WATER PROJECT program.
LMPV brings hope and love to people totally devoid of rights, living in overcrowded and unhealthy Salvadoran prisons. We also provide inmates and their families access to clean, safe, drinkable water as a means to uphold the truce.
In March 2012 a truce was agreed upon between members of the Mara Salvatrucha and Barrio Dieciocho (18th St.) gangs, which according to official accounts, came about as a result of talks between its imprisoned leaders, facilitated by Monsignor Fabio Colindres, the head Chaplain of the Salvadoran military and police and by Raúl Mijango, a former mid-level FMLN commander. After one year with the truce, the homicide rate dropped quickly, going from 15 murders a day to about 5. Forced recruitment of youth ceased, and violence near schools dropped significantly.
*In El Salvador currently the truce is lot longer valid.